Date: April 27, 2016
As a developing country, China is playing an increasingly important role on the international stage. More than ever, China’s attitude is regarded as vital in the affairs of the whole world. The fact that China itself has confirmed its rising power is attracting the attention from countries all over the world and has also generated some dissent. Some countries are considering building friendly and winning relations with China, while others have provoked hostility by hindering bilateral ties. In such a complex environment, how should China go about securing its peaceful rise wisely?
On April 25, 2016, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Management at Beijing Normal University and Director of Development Policy and Innovation and PhD Tutor, Professor Shi Xuehua presented a lecture titled China’s Strategy for the Future to teachers and Chinese participants at the Confucius Institute in Quebec.
Professor Shi discussed his dialectical point of view on the strategies, including the basic principle of diplomacy on the country’s periphery, the maintenance of peripheral stability, the strengthening of friendly relations by highlighting ideas of friendliness, sincerity, mutual support and tolerance, as well as the new international Belt and Road strategy, a new type of relationship between the great powers of the world that recalls the past unity and development surrounding the Silk Road. After this presentation, many Chinese participants asked questions that led to deeper discussion with Professor Shi. The discussion was so interesting that the conference had to be extended!
Subsequently, on April 27, 2016, Professor Shi gave a speech in English to the community of Dawson College, titled China Shakes the World. Participants asked several questions about China and the conference was a success. The event was followed by a cocktail hosted by the President of the Board of Governors of the Institute, Mr. Richard Filion, to express his appreciation to Professor Shi.
These conferences have made Chinese international engagement strategies better known. These presentations also afforded an opportunity to promote China to Canadians from a social and political point of view with a view to strengthening ties between the two countries in their contributions to unity and world peace.