
Confucius Institute in Quebec, co-founded in 2007 with Beijing Normal University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, is an established educational institution in Quebec. The goals and missions of the institute are to promote the learning of Chinese language in Quebec, to foster Sino-Canada educational exchanges and to improve the understanding between Quebec and China. Confucius Institute in Quebec is located in downtown Montreal and it is the only designated center in Quebec for the HSK/YCT tests.
Confucius Institute in Quebec offers Chinese language courses at all levels as well as Chinese culture orientated courses, which are open to the general public, tailored for the young and old. Over the years, numerous Chinese learners took courses at the institute and developed high degree of proficiency and excellent command of Chinese. Many students participated in the national “Chinese Bridge” speech competition for university students around the world and one of them won grand champion title in 2016, not to mention that a good number of Quebec students were awarded Confucius Institute Scholarships for further studies in China. As we are entering a new era of a digital society, Confucius Institute in Quebec will emphasize the use of web, digital and AI learning tools to better serve the public in Quebec for the causes of Chinese learning.
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived from 551-479 BC. His teachings put great emphasis on study and learning.
“To be fond of knowledge is better than to know it, to delight in it is better than to be fond of it.” – Confucius