2025 Winter, Confucius Institute
Course hours: 30

Course NameDurationDays of WeekTime
LANGUAGE COURSES —  Price 260$      
 (Learning material included)
Beginner Chinese 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.10:00-11:30
Beginner Chinese 2Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.   18:30-20:00                   
Elementary Chinese 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.13:30-15:00
Elementary Chinese 2Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.18:30-20:00
Intermediate Chinese 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.10:00-11:30
Intermediate Chinese 4Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.13:30-15:00
Chinese Characters 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.15:00-16:30
Advanced Chinese 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.18:30-20:00
Advanced Chinese 2Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.18:30-20:00
Beginner Chinese 1Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.18:30-20:00
Beginner Chinese 2Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.10:00-11:30
Elementary Chinese 1Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.13:30-15:00
Intermediate Chinese 2Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.13:30-15:00
Intermediate Chinese 3Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.10:00-11:30
Chinese Character 2Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.15:00-16:30
Advanced Chinese 1Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.10:00-11:30
HSK TutorialJan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.13:30-15:00
Chinese Painting 1Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.18:30-20:00
Chinese Painting 2Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.18:30-20:00
Chinese ChessJan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.14:00-15:30
Chinese Calligraphy 1Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.10:00-11:30
Chinese Calligraphy 2Jan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.13:30-15:00
Chinese Folk Music (20 hours, Price 280$)Feb.1-Apr.5Sat.10:30-12:30
Chinese Opera (20 hours, Price 280$)Feb.1-Apr.5Sat.14:00-16:00
Taiji (20 hours, Price 280$)Feb.1-Apr.5Sat.14:00-16:00
COURSES for SENIOR (60 years & up)–Price: 240$
Beginner Chinese IJan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.10:00-11:30
Beginner Chinese IIJan.28-Apr.3Tue./Thu.10:00-11:30
Chinese Calligraphy & painting I (20 hours, Price 260$)Jan.27-Apr.2Mon./Wed.10:00-11:00
Taiji (20 hours, Price 260$)Feb.1-Apr.5Sat.14:00-16:00

These schedules are subject to revision. Changes to the schedule will be posted on our website.

Registration Information

Click Here For Online Registration

For more information, please contact us at:

Phone: (514) 568-8550
Email: info@confuciusinstitute.qc.ca

Pay with Interac e-Transfer:

Sign In: Access your online or mobile banking and find the option to send money with Interac e-Transfer.
Select Account: Choose the account you’d like the funds to come from.
Add Recipient: If this is your first time paying us, add a new recipient with the following details:

Name: Confucius Institute in Quebec (L’INSTITUT CONFUCIUS AU QUEBEC)
Email: services@confuciusinstitute.qc.ca
***Kindly include the following details in the message section of each transfer if you’d like to receive a receipt for your payment:

Your full name
The course and level
The email address where you would like to receive confirmation and your payment receipt
Enter Payment Amount: Enter the fee amount for your specific course.
Review & Send: Confirm all the details and then send the payment.

Pay via Cash or Cheque:
Please contact services@confuciusinstitute.qc.ca to schedule an appointment for in-person payment.